[Summary] Best questions for inclusive marketing research

To think in google way. The summary of selected Google articles in March 2021.

Article: You can’t manage what you don’t see: Best practices for inclusive marketing research


The foundation of all great marketing campaigns is market research. Knowing your audience and competitors, as well as your biggest threats and greatest opportunities, are just some of the fundamental components to effectively market a business.

Here are some sample questions to ask yourself before fielding a survey:

  1. If you’re measuring performance, are you incorporating feedback from people of diverse backgrounds who have been exposed to your marketing or product? You may be missing out on critical information if you’re only collecting data from a specific segment of the population.


  1. Is your survey using font sizes and colors that are accessible to all respondents? Talk to your survey provider about how to make the platform accessible to people who may be color blind, have limited vision, or are using screen readers.

  2. Does the language in your surveys or discussion guides make assumptions about lifestyle preferences or family structure? If you are using a multiple-choice screener that includes identity and profiling questions, consider adding in options that reflect non-nuclear family structures.



  1. Have you accounted for the needs of differently abled consumers? Common adjustments needed include online surveys for screen reader accessibility and changing face-to-face exercises or tools to include examples for people with disabilities.

  2. Do you know whether respondents will only feel comfortable sharing with people of similar backgrounds in face-to-face settings? Think about the questions within your study, and reflect how you might feel answering an interviewer of a different age, gender, race, or culture.

  1. Are consent forms written and shared in a way that all respondents can easily understand? This is especially important when performing research with respondents who have lower literacy levels.

(source) Trends – the google way (March 2021)


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