



在设计疫苗产能的时候,已经考虑到中国的需要和全球需要,目前科兴中维的设计产能是年产20亿。但是根据今年上半年的情况看,产能已经超过了设计产能。“我们现在已经向全球提供了超过6亿多剂的疫苗,也就是说我们已经具备了向世卫组织和更多国家提供疫苗的质量标准和产量准备和产能的更进一步提升的条件。 ”


接种第3针灭活疫苗 中国科兴:抗体可提升10倍



新闻来源: 中国报 

Sinovac says its vaccine is safe for children as young as 3

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Sinovac said its COVID-19 vaccine is safe in children ages 3-17, based on preliminary data, and it has submitted the data to Chinese drug regulators.

More than 70 million shots of Sinovac’s vaccine have been given worldwide, including in China.

China has approved its use in adults but it has not yet been used in children, because their immune systems may respond differently to the vaccine. Early and mid-stage clinical trials with over 550 subjects showed the vaccine would induce an immune response, Gang Zeng, the medical director at Sinovac, said at a news conference Monday.

“Showing that the vaccine is safe and would elicit potentially useful immune response against SARS-CoV-2 is very welcomed,” said Eng Eong Ooi, a professor at the Duke NUS Medical school in Singapore.

Children are far less likely to be seriously ill with COVID-19, but they are still at risk and can spread the virus. And while vaccination campaigns worldwide have focused on adults, children will need to be immunized to end the pandemic.

The Pfizer vaccine is cleared for use starting at age 16 and is being studied in ages 12-16. Moderna has been studying its vaccine in children aged 12 and older, and last week announced a new study testing its use in children younger than 12.

State-owned Sinopharm, who has two COVID-19 vaccines, is also investigating the effectiveness of its vaccines in children. The company said in January it had submitted clinical data to regulators.

Source: APPNEWS March 23, 2021


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