Germany train axe attack

An axe-man who stormed a passenger train and hacked at terrified passengers while shouting “Allahu Akbar” has been identified as a 17-year-old Afghan who entered Germany as a lone refugee. The attacker was identified by stunned government officials after a huge investigation was launched just hours after the bloody attack exploded.

The horror began at around 9pm local time when the teenager stormed a train that was travelling close to Wurzburg in southern Germany.

Early reports claim he has left at least three people fighting for their lives, and a fourth with minor injuries. At least 14 other passengers were being treated for shock.

The incident is understood to have taken place at the station in Heidingsfeld, a part of the city of Wurzburg in southern Germany. The train line between Wurzburg-Heidingsfeld and Ochsenfurt is closed as investigators scour the area for clues.

Helicopters were seen swirling over head as the area was flooded with emergency services who raced to treat those injured.


18人轻重伤! 17岁难民德火车“斧头、刀”乱砍遭击毙
德国火车惊传砍人案!一名嫌犯在德国南部城市符兹堡(Wuerzburg)的火车上,持斧头和刀砍人,造成至少18人轻重伤,当场遭到击毙。根据外电报导,嫌犯证实是一名17岁阿富汗男性难民,行凶前还高喊“真主至大”(allahu akbar)。



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