[Summary] How CMOs earn a seat at the board table

Title: How CMOs earn a seat at the board table


  1. According to Deloitte, only about 26% of CMOs regularly attend their companies’ board meetings. Perhaps it’s because those who do attend have managed to prove to their CEOs and boards how integral marketing is to driving growth.


  1. Around 60% of global ad spend will be digital by 2024, helping make advertising more measurable and accountable.

  2. Today’s machine learning–powered platforms equip advertisers to set and achieve business goals with confidence.

  1. The CMO’s first step is to set the expectation, across the marketing team and with partners, that campaigns should be measured in terms of business impact.

  1. While CMOs are not necessarily in charge of all customer touchpoints, such as websites, apps, or physical stores, they are in the best position to be the voice of the customer and to lead the way in constantly improving those touchpoints.

(source) Trends – the google way (March 2021)


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