3rd Walk the Talk: Health for All Challenge (WHO)

A special programme brings to you from WHO:

3rd Walk the Talk: Health for All Challenge

Pic: Sign up to join a weekend of fun activities while staying at home
Pic: Sign up to join a weekend of fun activities while staying at home

The Virtual Walk the Talk will be held on 16-17 May 2020, and you are invited to join in from home wherever you are located in the world! WHO and its partners, through a range of online platforms, will host online exercises, information sessions, and live chats with health experts on topics ranging from physical and mental health to nutrition and healthy ageing. There is also going to be lots of music! So join us, it will be fun!

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73rd World Health Assembly

The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board. This year, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the 73rd World Health Assembly will be virtual. The agenda has been reduced to fit into two days, starting on Monday 18 May and concluding no later than on Tuesday 19 May.

See the programme

Pic: WHO announces winners of Health for All Film Festival

WHO’s online awards ceremony of its inaugural Health for All Film Festival took place online on 12 May. It was a tribute to all champions of health worldwide!

Launched last October 2019, this festival received nearly 1300 short films from more than 110 countries. Submissions focused on a wide range of health topics showcased by or about champions of health in communities, health centres, hospitals or in science. WHO’s Director-General announced 5 winners from this diverse range of strong stories. Some of our critically-acclaimed jurors participated in the show to talk with the winners.

The ceremony took place on the International Day of the Nurse and one category of this festival competition is a tribute to “2020 – the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife”.

Watch the winning films
Watch the awards show


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