台湾国道火烧车 24大陆客罹难



总统蔡英文第一时间得知即刻表达关切并请相关单位做好后续协助;她晚间在脸书上提到,“没有安全,就没有观光”,除了尽快厘清事故原因外,更cai ying wen要以此事为借镜,全面重新检视观光系统的每个环节。





过去几年,也曾发生多起游客在台旅游酿成的重大交通意外,其中,1992年发生健康幼稚园火烧车意外,造成23人身亡;如今,陆客团火烧车事件成了台湾近年来最惨重的观光交通意外。回顾过去几年,也曾有6起重大观光旅游团交通意外事件,2006年12月3日梅岭游览车坠谷,高雄市鼎金国小45名家长会的家长、学生及志工在台南楠西乡(现为楠西区)梅岭风景区发生重大游览车事故,车上22人死亡peace bus;2011年4月28日阿里山小火车翻车,其中5、6节车厢更直接翻落3公尺深的桥底,最后酿成5死、107伤惨剧;2012年12月9日泰山国小旅游坠谷,新北市泰山国小校友搭乘中型巴士前往司马库斯旅游时,巴士坠落100公尺深山谷,造成13人死亡;2016年3月2日苏花公路游览车与拖板车对撞,129.8K发生一辆游览车与拖板车对撞,整起事件共造成2死28伤。

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — A tour bus carrying visitors from China burst into flames on a highway near Taiwan’s capital on Tuesday, killing all 26 people on board, officials said, in the deadliest incident involving Chinese tourism to the island. The accident took place on the No. 2 national highway in Taoyuan county, south of Taipei, where Taiwan’s international airport is located, the county’s fire and rescue service said in a statement.

It said 24 of those on board were visitors from northeast China’s Liaoning province who had been scheduled to fly home on Tuesday afternoon. The others killed were the driver and a tour guide, both Taiwanese.

Taoyuan fire chief Lai Chi-chong said all of the victims died inside the bus. “There was not enough time for them to escape,” he told reporters. Video from the scene showed both of the bus’s doors pressed up against the highway’s guard rail, making them impossible to open. Photos showed flames and thick black smoke pouring from the front of the bus. Many of the bodies were badly charred, some of them piled in front of the unopened emergency exit, Taiwan’s official Central News Agency and other media reported.

There was no official word on the cause of the fire, although CNA and others said that the bus apparently burst into flames after spinning out of control and smashing into the guard rail. CNA cited eyewitnesses as saying the bus had been giving off smoke and swerving from lane to lane prior to crashing and bursting into flames. The drivers of other vehicles pulled over and attempted to put out the flames with fire extinguishers, but the fire had grown too large for them to put out, the news agency said.

Thirteen firefighting vehicles and 30 firefighters were sent to the scene, but the fire apparently spread too rapidly. By the time the flames were extinguished, the vehicle had been heavily blackened from one end to the other.

Three of the victims were children — two 13-year-olds and a 12-year-old, according to a passenger manifest distributed to media by the Taiwanese travel agency that organized the trip.

The accident was the deadliest involving Chinese visitors to Taiwan since the island opened up to Chinese tourism in 2008, according to Taiwanese government records and reports of previous incidents.

Since then, 83 Chinese have died while on trips to Taiwan, including Tuesday’s victims. Several of those deaths involved bus crashes, including a 2010 crash that killed 19, and the latest accident is likely to revive safety concerns surrounding the treatment of Chinese tourists, most of whom come on cheap group tours.

China’s Taiwan Affairs Office said it would send representatives to help deal with legal issues surrounding the crash. China claims Taiwan as its own territory and the sides have no formal ties, although contacts have been growing in recent years to handle trade, travel and other practical, nonpolitical matters. However, relations have deteriorated since the January election of independence-leaning Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, and Chinese tourist numbers have declined steadily in recent months, dealing a major blow to the island’s travel industry.

Source: DailyMail








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