

除了以爱与价值为基准的教育外,教育部将把高学术质量(high quality)作为一个需要大家一起共同实现的方向。高学术质量涵盖了卓越,前瞻性思维和高效能三个方面。当我们有了理念和价值观为出发点后,而学生的高学术质量就是我们要实践的目标。



是的,以上的这些都是非常大的挑战。我们生活在哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)称为VUCA的时代,指的是波动性 (Volatility),不确定性 (Uncertainty),复杂性 (Complexity)和模糊性 (Ambiguity)。我们无法避免它,但需要通过与千禧年代学生相关的教育模式来满足和适应全球化的需求和趋势。教育者需要了解千禧一代的特征,与上一代不同,他们更多接触科技以及运用,更具有世俗性和开放性的思维。所以教育工作者也不忘时刻提升自己,才能融入学生与他们打成一片,从而提升教育的效率和达到“传道,授业,解惑”的效果。

再者,我们的孩子更需要具备技术和通讯(ICT)的相关知识,教育部将尝试改善教育系统中的区块链技术 (Blockchain),人工智能 (AI)和互联网运用 (Internet of things),来帮助教学和数据存储。我们相信唯有与时并进且运用科技的教育体系,会让充满好奇心的学生们爱上学习。教育部也会推动与私人企业的配合,教育从不只是政府和教育工作者的责任,平时生活中所接触的人事物,也是年轻一代学习的好对象。所以私人企业有机会实行社会责任(CSR),并让志愿服务的合作将得到加强和提升,以实现我们的计划。

此外,STREAM(科学、科技、阅读、工程、艺术、数学)教育也应成为焦点。科学不仅仅是一门学科,我们需要引入和推广科学作为一种可以运用于生活的知识。 STREAM领域不仅在我国,而在全世界都是一个重点领域,一个国家的竞争力可以取决于对STREAM领域的掌握。2017年世界经济论坛的报告指出,小学中有多达65%的孩子在未来开始踏入社会时,会在STREAM的领域里工作,所以让他们在学生时代就接触并学习,是百利而无一害的。STREAM领域的学习,不只专注于考试或者理科源流课程的学生而已,而是所有学生都应该特别关注的。教师的教学方法也应根据当前的科技发展来改良,作为最佳教育方式的推动因素。


作者 : 教育部长马智礼
文章来源 : 星洲日报 2019-07-07

My Comment:

Everybody is talking on “high quality” of education. It is important for us but for the primary school, especially when our Minister is talking about, should focus on primary school (sekolah rendah).  In the first level of education, I think there is no such any division or grade for education, for example, poor, very poor, extream poor, medium, good-, better -and high- quality??

ICT is a wide topic, so the ‘sekolah rendah’ pupils should not be exposed to the adult world of IT. For example, blockchain technology, that is the most complicated technology and high energy-consumption and high-speed internet connectivity requirement. Is it very significant for the pupils?

STEAM is not a (single) subject, it covers almost everything for the study. So, learning of STEAM is a must, in all stages of people. Definitely, it does not mean that early exposure of STEAM is good for primary pupils. For example, marriage and sex is also part of life, health and wealth are also related to life topic. Does it mean that various subjects should be introduced into early education?

My major concern now is, whether we as an adult, unconsciously putting almost everything ‘recipe’  we considered good to us and feed into our young generation? Or whether we mix up everything is good into a “rojak”-education? What is the objective of primary education? Finally, we lost direction.

Short to say, how can we differentiate amongst the mission of primary, secondary and tertiary education? I think we cannot simply to answer…

We found the STEAM in all-level of education. We also pursuing “high-quality” of education in all-level and all-schools of education, even until the ‘life-long’ education. Now, it is coming back to basic, what are the nature of learning should be for pupils in primary school? This is the “fundamental”, in most of the cases, the most fundamental elements are the “core subjects” of primary education, that the most easily to be ignored by society.


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