电视全程直击 西班牙斗牛士魂断赛场 Spanish Bullfighter Dies On Live TV

On July 9th a spanish bullfighter was killed on live television as the horn of the bull pushed into the chest and heart. The man’s name was Victor Barrio and the 29 year old was carried out of the ring by other fighters after he was killed. Barrio first began training to become a bullfighter in 2010 in Madrid. He is the first bullfighter to be killed in the ring in over 16 years. On the same day another man was gored to death by a bull in a village in Spain called, Pedreguer which is near Valencia. A bull pierced his lung and his heart as he tried to help a fallen friend in a bull-race which are still popular in Spain.


但在阿拉贡地区特鲁埃尔上周六一年一度的斗牛节日Feria de Angel中,一名曾获奖的专业斗牛士于竞技场中失手被牛角刺死,成为近30年来首位于场上阵亡的斗牛士。29岁的贝理奥是一名专业斗牛士,其对手是重达552公斤的公牛洛伦佐。据悉,当时身穿金红色战衣的贝理奥于对战中一直处于上风,但期间一阵风影响了他手上红布的摆动,令他分神,洛伦佐因此得以向他送上致命一击。






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